Second Occupation of Cuba

29/09/190606/02/1909View on timeline

"The Second Occupation of Cuba or the Cuban Pacification was a major American military operation that began in September 1906. After the collapse of President Tomás Estrada Palma's regime, President Theodore Roosevelt ordered an invasion of Cuba and established an occupation that would continue for nearly four years. The goal of the operation was to prevent fighting between the Cubans, to protect North American economic interests, and to hold free elections. Following the election of José Miguel Gómez, in November 1908, Cuba was deemed stable enough to allow a withdrawal of American troops, which was completed in February 1909."

— Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press

Second Occupation of Cuba. Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press.

A brief history of America and Cuba
Tomás Estrada y Palma, the first president of Cuba, from May 20th, 1902 to December 02, 1906.

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José Miguel Goméz, second president of Cuba, from January 28th, 1909 to May 20th, 1913.

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Published in 21/06/2019

Updated in 19/02/2021

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