Timeline Challenge Cards

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Updated in .

This timeline has 56 events organized into 5 topics:

  • Europe During Medieval Times
  • Islam in Medieval Times
  • Imperial China Times
  • Civilizations of the Americas Times
  • Europe’s Renaissance and Reformation Times
This timeline has 56 events:
313Constantine’s  DecreeConstantine’s Decree
330New Capital of the  Roman EmpireNew Capital of the Roman Empire
476Fall of RomeFall of Rome
4761450Middle Ages Middle Ages
5001453Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire
527565Rule of  Justinian Rule of Justinian
768814Charlemagne’s  ReignCharlemagne’s Reign
1076Excommunication  of Henry IVExcommunication of Henry IV
1215Magna CartaMagna Carta
13371453Hundred Years’  WarHundred Years’ War
1347Bubonic Plague  Reaches EuropeBubonic Plague Reaches Europe
570Muhammad’s  BirthMuhammad’s Birth
610Call to  ProphethoodCall to Prophethood
613Beginnings  of IslamBeginnings of Islam
622Migration to  MedinaMigration to Medina
632The Last SermonThe Last Sermon
632750Expansion  of IslamExpansion of Islam
651 (Circa)Official Version  of Qur’anOfficial Version of Qur’an
825 (Circa)Al-Khwarizmi  Invents AlgebraAl-Khwarizmi Invents Algebra
10961291Christians  Launch CrusadesChristians Launch Crusades
1192Peace Treaty Ends  Third CrusadePeace Treaty Ends Third Crusade
1478Spanish  Inquisition BeginsSpanish Inquisition Begins
207 BCE220Han DynastyHan Dynasty
618907Tang DynastyTang Dynasty
850 (Circa)Gunpowder InventedGunpowder Invented
960 (Circa)Merit-Based  Exams BeginMerit-Based Exams Begin
9601279Song DynastySong Dynasty
1050 (Circa)Movable Type InventedMovable Type Invented
1100Papermaking  Spreads to EuropePapermaking Spreads to Europe
12791368Yuan DynastyYuan Dynasty
1200Marco Polo Visits ChinaMarco Polo Visits China
13681644Ming DynastyMing Dynasty
14051433Voyages of  Zheng HeVoyages of Zheng He
2001 BCE1500Maya CivilizationMaya Civilization
301 BCE (Circa)Maya Hieroglyphics DevelopedMaya Hieroglyphics Developed
201 BCE900Classic Period of Maya CivilizationClassic Period of Maya Civilization
1200 (Circa)Incas Settle  in CuzcoIncas Settle in Cuzco
1325 (Circa)Aztecs Build  TenochtitlánAztecs Build Tenochtitlán
14281519Aztec EmpireAztec Empire
13001400Aztec Religious  PracticesAztec Religious Practices
1479Aztec CalendarAztec Calendar
14381532Inca EmpireInca Empire
14001500Incan Roads  and BridgesIncan Roads and Bridges
15191532Aztec and Incan  Civilizations  ConqueredAztec and Incan Civilizations Conquered
1296Work Begins  on Florence’s  CathedralWork Begins on Florence’s Cathedral
13091377Pope’s  Headquarters  in FrancePope’s Headquarters in France
13001600Renaissance  in EuropeRenaissance in Europe
1450Invention of the  Printing PressInvention of the Printing Press
15011504Michelangelo  Creates DavidMichelangelo Creates David
1509The Praise of FollThe Praise of Foll
1517The Ninety-Five  ThesesThe Ninety-Five Theses
1545Council of TrentCouncil of Trent
16181648Thirty Years’ WarThirty Years’ War

